Family Tool Box

From time to time I'll add some new resources I've discovered to help me in my marriage, raising kids, and my personal walk with Christ.

Sat., Sept. 24, 2011
Some of you have asked about protecting your kids regarding technology. Here's what I have found...

This information came from Check them out for more useful tools.

YouDiligence: A web-based service that gives parents the power to be proactive in protecting their children from online predators and cyber-bullies. YouDiligence scans your kids’ MySpace and Facebook pages for inappropriate content without complicated software installation or downloads.

Internet Safety Software Resources:

■Bsecure™ Family Protection is an award-winning filtering and online security solution endorsed by more Christian organizations than any other. Choose flexible options on reporting, when the Internet can be accessed, what websites are visited, which social networking sites are allowed, filter and monitor IM conversations, and more.
■Covenant Eyes® Accountability and Filtering provides internet accountability services with easy-to-read reports and filtering that allows you to block offensive websites and control how and when the Internet is used. This service will also monitor the websites visited and email reports to accountability partners you choose.
■Safe Eyes® Internet Parental Control This software filters objectionable material including social networking, IM, email, and websites, while allowing you to receive immediate alerts if questionable activity occurs.

Check out these books that have been a blessing to the Archies...

Family Devos: Have a family devotional/prayer time every night. Doesn't have to be long, just fun and meaningful!

One Year of Dinner Table Devotions & Discussion Starters (Nancy Guthrie)
The One Year Book of Fun and Active Devotions for Kids (Tyndale Kids)
Sticky Situations: 365 Devotions for Kids & Families (Betsy Schmitt)
Streams in the Desert for Kids (L.B. Cowman)

Devotionals for Boys:
Gotta Have God: Cool Devotions for Boys (These come in books for all ages of boys. By Legacy Press)
S.O.A.P.Y. Journal -

Devotionals for Girls:
God and Me: Devotions for Girls (Legacy Press)
Faithgirlz! by Zonderkidz also has a lot of girl devotionals

Books parents of boys should read:
That’s My Son by Rick Johnson
Your Boy by Vicki Courtney
Raising a Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis
Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, Mike Yorkey
5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son by Vicki Courtney

Books parents of girls should read:
Gentle Passages by Robin Jones Gunn
5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney
Moms Everything Bood for Daughters by Becky Freeman

Purity Curriculum every parent should do with their pre-teen:
Passport 2 Purity by Dennis & Barbara Rainey (Family Life) - A MUST

If you have resources that have blessed you and your family, please share!!