Worry. Worry. Worry. Yes, worry has been my close friend these many years. We don't hang out every day but when we do get back together it's like we've never been apart. We know each other well. Worry knows my weak spots - my husband, my kids, my friends, my health. He knows just where to aim his attentions.
I haven't been worried in a while but this week provided just the right opportunity for worry to re-enter my life. I am navigating through a really, really, really stressful week. Too many commitments, too many chores, too many responsibilities and too little time or energy! Can anyone relate?
Just when my plate was overflowing, one phone call made the whole thing go toppling over. This was it. My back was against a wall. I found myself in a situation over which I had no control. So what's a girl to do???
I went to the Lord. I cried out for His help, His mercy and His power. I need God's strong arms to carry me through this. I need His wisdom to guide me. I got up this morning to seek Him and He led me right to Matthew 6:11, "Give us this day, our daily bread." With these words the Lord reminded me that He's got my back. He loves me. He knows my needs before I do. He'll provide.
This imagery of daily bread comes from the Israelites years in the wilderness. God provided manna each day. When the Jews tried to save the manna for tomorrow, it spoiled. It was impossible to stockpile God's provision because God wanted them to trust Him - not monthly, not weekly, but DAILY.
Trusting God daily does not make me a poor planner, unprepared for what is to come. Rather, it keeps my relationship with the Lord in the proper perspective. Only God knows what tomorrow will bring and He has already made provision for us. Henry Blackaby says, "If we walk with Him closely today, we will be in the center of His will tomorrow."
So, goodbye Worry! This is where we go our separate ways. I am choosing today to hang with Jesus and enjoy the fellowship of my Provider.
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