Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's All Good!

I have a dear friend who uses this term when things aren't exactly 'going in her direction'. It's her way of smiling in the face of adversity. She doesn't want to complain or burden anyone. She puts on a good face and tells herself, "It's all good"!

It's the kind of phrase that can really stick with you. We, women, carry a lot of weight on our ever-crowded shoulders. We honor our husbands, care for our children, hold down jobs and support our staff. We volunteer, try to exercise, return calls, respond to emails, drive carpools, and fold laundry into the night! Yet when things get a little crazy (when are things not crazy?), we don't want to let anyone down so we force a smile and say, "It's all good".

Is it all good for you right now? What's on your plate that you wish you could scrape into the garbage disposal? What's that one extra responsibility you would love to unload? What do you do when it gets to be too much? Where do you turn to get reassured and regain your strength? God's got a word for you...

1 Corinthians 2:9, "...No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." Dig that! God has prepared something for you that is greater than anything you could dream possible. In this day and age where I feel like I've seen it all and heard it a thousand times, here comes God, once again reminding me that He's Bigger & Better than anything this world can dream up.

God is prepared to bless your socks off! The only requirement is to love Him. It's easy to lose focus of what is True. The trials of this life do not have to break our hearts. The responsibilities we each carry can be used by God to make us stronger not weaker. I believe if we love God first and keep Him as the center of all we are then anything is possible.

God has made you a promise, girlfriends. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive what God has in store for you. The Man's got plans! Entrust yourself to the ultimate Life Coach. Hand over those hopes & dreams; those doubts & disappointments. Give the Divine Visionary full reign and soon you'll know on a supernatural level - "It's All Good!"

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